In 1980, the slasher film movement was just starting to pick up pace. John Dunning – co-founder of Cinepix Productions with Andre Link – approached George Mihalka to direct a stalk & slash project after seeing his first feature film, a comedy called Pick-up Summer. They gave him a 2 film deal and a writer (John Beaird) for ‘My Bloody Valentine’, based on a one page treatment – the idea being to appeal to the ‘holiday horror’ loving crowd that turned out in masses for Halloween and Friday the 13th.
The bad news was that the production needed to be speedy. The team had just under 6 months to get the $2.3 million budgeted film finished and released in time for Valentine’s Day. Fully aware that sequels to Friday the 13th and Halloween were coming, Dunning and co set out to beat them to the punch (or stab, if you will).
In fact, they were so paranoid about having the kick-ass holiday title stolen from them that they sped forward with a working title, The Secret, not even informing cast and crew the real title until after filming (a real secret, indeed).
Shooting took place in a real mining town, Sydney Mine, Nova Scotia and things got off to a nightmare start when the owners cleaned up the location prior to production. The cold, dreary, dusty look was exactly what Mihalka had wanted for his film but the owners wrongly assumed otherwise! In fact, it cost them (an over budget) $30k to paint the the mine to return it to its original appearance!